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Group rides

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    Joe L
    Joined: 06/10/2017 - 7:05pm
    Group rides

    As a broken down runner, I am trying to understand the cyclist mentallity.  As a runner, we went out on group runs and ran together, for a while, then ran as fast or as slow as we wanted to the end of the run.  We didn't have to stick together.  By running with better runners, we got better.  I am try to understand the cyclist group ride.  Why do you all have to finish together?  How can one get better?  You should be able to go out on a faster ride then you may be capable of, without holding any one back.  Why do you have to wait up for the slower cyclist?  I would like to go on a B+ ride and hold on for as long as I can and not worry holding the group back.




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