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Road Hazards - How do you deal with (or ignore) ignorant people

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    Joined: 04/15/2013 - 3:11pm
    Road Hazards - How do you deal with (or ignore) ignorant people

    Beginner cyclist, first time posting on this forum.

    I just came home from a 20 mile post-work ride which takes place in the general area of Middle Island, NY. During the course of this ride, I've had the 'pleasure' of being yelled at by passing cars, and even teenage kids on the sidewalk numerous times. All harmless as they never escalated to anything serious, but as a single female rider it does make me weary sometimes. The teenagers are just teenagers, they don't know any better; but the passing cars deliberately speed by and scream (you know, like baboons in a cage when they see food) just to make me jump in my seat. And I hate to admit, it does make me jump as I don't ride with any headphones for safety reasons.

    I ride a lot out in the Palisades area in NJ and I never encounter this sort of treatment from passing cars; sure some will honk obnoxiously but nothing like what I encounter here in Long Island. I'm sure there are people like this everywhere, but I'm wondering has there been any initiatives to teach drivers about road etiquette when they encounter a cyclist or a pedestrian? I'm sure others have had similar experiences when it comes to ignorant people, but any advice on how to deal with (or ignore) these ignorant fools?

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