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Bicycle Credit for Commuters

    Py Zahl's picture

    Have you heard?

    in January 2009, people who use bicycles as their primary mode of transportation
    for their work commute will be eligible for a $20/month, tax-free
    reimbursement from their employers for bicycle-related expenses. In return,
    participating employers will be able to deduct the expense from their
    federal taxes.

    Bicycle Commuter Act amends the federal tax code, allowing employers to
    offer employees this benefit. If you bike to work, ask your employers if
    they can provide this benefit. Employers can click on the links below to
    learn more about this and other commuter benefits for your employees.

    Related Links

    Bike Credit FAQs

    Services USA


    Don’t forget to bike, walk or carpool to the
    voting booth on November 4th! Visit for carpooling

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