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sbra metric/full century

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    guruguy's picture
    Joined: 11/10/2008 - 5:49pm
    sbra metric/full century

    are you riding this saturday?? 62 miles or 100 miles can be a long ride...

    here are a few things to do prior to saturday morning

    1) give your bike a quick over and a quick cleaning...make sure everything works (ie-brakes not rubbing, no loose bolts,etc).. fill your tires up to be sure they hold air etc...

    2) go through your saddle bag/sticky pad/ everything you need there? be sure to have at least one NEW tube, two NEW c02 cartridges, tire levers, a multi-tool, and anything else you may need (id/credit card/medical insurance,etc)

    3) get your snacks and clothing together NOW (helmet, too) ..don't wait till saturday morning....pack your street clothes bag and have that ready, too...

    4) focus on the positive and believe in yourself....

    hoping for nice weather, calm winds, and a safe ride for all!

    ron g guruguy

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